The Inauguration of the Online Training Courses on Express Mail Service (EMS) and International Mail Accounting (IMA)

The inauguration of the online training courses on the Express Mail Service (EMS) and the International Mail Accounting (IMA) were conducted on 1 August 2022 at 09.30 hrs. (Bangkok time). The inauguration was presided over by Mr. LIN Hongliang, the Secretary General of APPU. Ms. Kwanjai Kajornwutthideth, Manager Administration & APPU Affairs, Ms. YU Yan – EMS Course Director, and Ms. Padmaghanda Mishra – IMA Course Director participated in the function as well.  These two courses will be running from 1 to 19 August 2022.

The EMS Course has been attended by 7 participants from 7 countries namely Bhutan, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Tonga and Vietnam. In the meanwhile, the IMA has been attended by 12 participants from 11 countries namely Afghanistan, Cambodia, Macau – China, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nauru, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Thailand and Vanuatu.

The EMS course topics cover the global express market situation; updates of Pay for Performance plan, EMS regulations and EMS standard; UPU and EMS: EMS Cooperative-its statutes and initiatives, multilateral agreement and EMS delivery performance system; EMS operations and certification system;      UPU quality control system – EMS quality performance and monitoring; EMS marketing: market awareness, analysis of competitors’ strength, trends in growth and challenges; and learning from best practices.

Additionally, the participants of the EMS course will have an opportunity to attend an online EMS Operational and Performance Improvement Workshop, conducted by the EMS Unit of UPU from 8 to 12 August 2022. This program will focus on general situation of EMS in Asia Pacific and EMS award standards and performance analysis;  EMS standards, EMS operational pipeline SMART overview; SMART Reporting and Monitoring hub, EMS operational guide and delivery standard revalidation; SMART alters, performance investigations, transport standard validation,  SMART on transport; and i-Care system introduction and performance analysis.

Whereas the IMA contents are designed to provide knowledge and the understanding on  International mail accounting, general principles and current issues on Letter post:  terminal dues regulations and accounting procedures, country classifications, Quality of Service Fund, transit charges and accounting, statistical operations related to terminal dues,  quality linked terminal dues. Parcel Post:  inward land rate regulations and accounting procedures, bonus payment and service features, and EMS: imbalance remuneration accounting, EMS Pay for Performance, and the review of E-format remuneration.

Despite gaining the knowledge and experience from the course, the IMA participants will be given a chance to attend the IOTP workshop on “Terminal Dues”, from 8 – 12 August 2022, aiming to reinforce the participants for the better understanding on some key points like the current terminal dues system, conveyance and charges for transit mails, statistical operations related to terminal dues, review of E-format remuneration, terminal dues and quality of service link, and the latest development with respect to the TD System.