The Inauguration of the Online Training Courses on Digital Financial Services (DFS) and E-Business and Technology (EBT)
The inauguration of the Digital Financial Services (DFS) and E-Business and Technology (EBT) Courses was conducted on 28 June 2021 at 09.30 hrs. (Bangkok time). The inauguration was presided over by Mr. LIN Hongliang, the Secretary General of APPU. Ms. Kwanjai Kajornwutthideth, Manager Administration & APPU Affairs, Ms. YU Yan, EBT Course Director, and Ms. Padmaghanda Mishra – DFS Course Director participated in the function as well. These two courses will be running from 28 June to 16 July 2021.
The DFS Course has been attended by 10 participants from 8 countries namely Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, and Thailand. Meanwhile, the EBT has been attended by 13 participants from 10 countries namely Fiji, India, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vanuatu.
The contents of the DFS will be covered the Introduction to digital financial services; Role of postal networks in Digital Financial Services ecosystem; Business model and potential ways of digital financial services in postal businesses; New digital strategy formulation; Case Studies of Posts in offering the digital financial services; Sharing information of Posts and Private sectors; and International Financial Services (IFS): Tools and Techniques. Furthermore, the participants of this course will also get an opportunity to attend one-week Interactive Online Training Program (IOTP) on ‘International Financial Services and Financial Inclusion (IFFI)’.
Whereas the EBT participants will be learning about Introduction to UPU ORE project; Developing E-Commerce Strategy; E-Business and Innovation Opportunities for Posts; Cross-border business strategy in digital age; Technologies and Solutions that helps Operation; and Warehouse and Logistics management. Besides this, the participants will be given an opportunity to attend one week IOTP on Driving Digital Strategy (DDS) from 5 to 9 July that will focus on the most relevant topics that will drive the postal business forward.