The Inauguration of the Online Training Courses on Express Mail Service (EMS) and International Mail Accounting (IMA)


The inauguration of the Express Mail Service (EMS) and International Mail Accounting (IMA) Courses were organized on 30 November 2020 at 09.30 hrs. These two courses has been running from 30 November to 18 December 2020. The inauguration was presided over by the Secretary General of APPU. Ms. Kwanjai Kajornwutthideth, Manager Administration & APPU Affairs, Ms. YU Yan – EMS Course Director and Ms. Padmaghanda Mishra – IMA Course Director also participated in the function. The EMS and IMA are marked as the last two online training courses of this year.

The EMS Course has been attended by 10 participants from 7 countries namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Lao, Myanmar, and Thailand. The IMA has been attended by 10 participants from 8 countries namely Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Niue Islands, Philippines, Thailand, and Vanuatu.

The EMS Course’s topics consist of   EMS business plan, standards, implementation of EMSEVT V3 and customer care performance in Asia Pacific Region, EMS international transport – Introduction of the EMS Pay-for-Performance plan, performance report and practice on action plan, action plan presentation and Q & A, reverse logistics, peak season preparations, US mandatory AED requirement, Integrated Product Plan (IPP) of UPU and Innovation Strategy of Product Development, and group discussion.

Whereas the objective of International Mail Accounting is to update the participants on the terminal dues, inward land rate, EMS imbalance charges, air conveyance dues and accounting procedure.